Important Days and Dates in the Month of May

Important Days and Dates in the Month of May

May (1st Sunday): World Laughter Day

May (1st Tuesday): World Asthma Day

May (2nd Sunday): Mother’s Day

May 1: Workers’ Day (International Labour Day), Maharashtra Day

May 3: Press Freedom Day

May 4: Coal Miners’ Day; International Firefighters Day

May 7: World Athletics Day

May 8: World Red Cross Day; World Thalassaemia Day

May 11: National Technology Day

May 12: International Nurses Day

May 15: International Day of the Family

May 17: World Telecommunication Day; World Hypertension Day

May 18: World AIDS Vaccine Day; International Museum Day

May 21: National Anti-Terrorism Day

May 22: International Day for Biological Diversity

May 24: Commonwealth Day

May 31: Anti-tobacco Day

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